Stopsley Striders Newsletter – February 2023

Marathon runners should be well into their training plans by now, so we would like to wish all of them well in their training and preparations, especially those doing their first one. We’re sure they will receive lots of support from our members, giving them advice and keeping them company on those long runs. Sharnbrook saw the last of this […]

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Stopsley Striders Newsletter – January 2023

Striders In The Snow

There’s only one place to start this month and that’s our cross-country event. It’s been over ten years since we last hosted a Three Counties Cross Country event, but we decided last year to throw our hat in the ring and offer to host it this year, we were accepted, and the planning began. A plea was put out for […]

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Stopsley Striders Newsletter – December 2022

Stopsley Striders XC Team

What a busy month this has been, with both social events and various races. Our Christmas party was a huge success judging by the feedback we have received, so a big thank you to the organisers and everyone who attended the event. Well done to Kate for raising an amazing amount towards the club charity and to Gill for making […]

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