June 2019 Running Report
This has been a very busy month two Club Championship races, last marathon of the seasion maybe. We went from the wettest week to train in to the hottest. You are all running extremley well so many Pbs and achievements this month.
June 1st & 2nd
The striders were all over the place on Sunday.
The Bedford 10km 10 Striders completed the course it was a rather warm morning Gez Fallon 41:59, Dean Haywood 47:54, Martin West 56:28, Mark Smith 56:56, Amanda Scott 1:01:00, Antonia Munn 1:02:53, Geraldine O’reilly 1:05:00, Gary Bartlett 1:07:17, Karen Bull 1:11:42 and Loraine Noakes 1:13:52.
One Strider decided he has done two marathons in eight days so was ready for his first ultra Sanjay Roy travelled to Tullaroan in Ireland to compete in a 40 miler Ultra. Sanjay Roy 6th 7:14:44 with a run and walk approach. He passed many people in the last miles who had gone way to hard at the beginning.
One Strider competed in Grassmoor 10km Charles Nelis 47:12.
One Strider did his regular travel to Poole 10km John Chapman 42:27.
It was also the Dunstable Trail Relays only two mixed teams this year but still very enjoyable. Kerry Dear 31:22, Philip Davies 23:29 and me 23:10 came 4th Mixed Team. Martin Read 26:00, Calista Strange 30:01 and Stuart Strange 23:44 came 6th Mixed Team.
June 7th
The Second of our Club Championships and an excellent turnout of 49 Striders at Marston 5km. It was a lovely evening for a run and bbq afterwards. Lots of you took full advantage of the fast and flat course.
Robert Barnes 16:54 2nd, Peter Brown 19:13 Pb, Tom Rankin 19:20 and that completes the winning Mens Team, Me 19:20 2nd Senior, Ahmed Berrah 19:30, Gez Fallon 19:54, John Chapman 20:06, Danny Kelly 20:09, Ian Curry 20:33 Pb, Christian Berdenkamp 20:48, Shaun Mutter 21:34, Charles nelis 21:52, Andrew Reid 22:17, John Ryan 22:29 PB, Thomas Darby 22:40, Andrew Durrant 24:14, Nicola Abubacker 24:42, Calista Strange 24:57 Pb, Kerry Dear 24:59 Pb, Dave Adams 25:50, Nadia Hall 25:53, Lisa French 25:58, Martin West 26:00, Karen Ashby 26:06, Mark Smith 26:09, Finbar Willis 27:23, Kulwinder Assra 27:23, Evelyn Lutterodt 27:37, Kirsty Yates 27:57 Pb, Antonia Munn 27:58, Kate Neale 28:02, Ruth Doyle 28:03 Pb, Amanda Scott 28:31, Zena Ellis 28:41, Julie Tysoe 28:50, Amrik Singh 28:57 Pb, Philip Abbitt 28:54, Dawn Boon 29:27, Helen Metcalfe 29:29 Pb, Gary Barlett 29:32 PB, Katricia Blanchand 30:07, Estelle Parkins 30:55, Andrea Watts 33:29 Pb, Phil Nitchen 34:33, Jill Bywaters 34:34, Kate Mutter, Paul Habben 47:57, Valerie Dawson 47:59.
Also thank you for all the Striders who came and supported us all and took lots of great photos.
June 8th & 9th
One Strider continues to wear her Strider vest solo in Ireland Donna Wiggett competed in Killclogher 10km 1:07: Pb.
On Sunday 15 Striders competed in the St Albans Half Marathon
Michael Tucker 1:28:28, Charles Nelis 1:43:56, Chris Treleaven 1:51:19, Calista Strange 1:59:19 Pb, Ingo Frommholz 2:00:24, Kerry Dear 2:03:53 Pb, Peta Henry 2:08:24, Natasha Hall 2:11:55 Pb, Nadia Hall 2:14:12, Kulwinder Assra 2:18:10, Kate Neale 2:19:55, Dave Adams 2:25:23, Lucy Joseph 2:28 Pb and Evelyn Lutterodt 2:29:02.Liz Barker 2:43 Pb In the 5km 3 Striders competed in the 5km Rickey Avis 33:21, Julie Tysoe 35:29 and Jennifer Avis 39:24.
All got a lovely refreshing lolly for finishing.
The Aldbury 5.3km had 3 Striders competed Ellie Davies, Liz Davies and Stewart Read. They all got a lovely mug that Stewart made into a medal.
June 15th & 16th
One Strider did the Bubble Rush 5km Amanda Rankin. Looked like a lot of messy fun while running.
June 21st
It was a very early start for a lot of Striders unlike me this is my normal working time for me to be up and biking to work which was 4am to have fun running on London Luton Airport Runway 5km to see the Sunrise and pretending to be an airplane and taking photos of a beautiful sunrise with nothing in the way. Some of the many Striders that competed Philip Abbitt, Pam Abbitt, Nicola Abubacker, Katicia Blanchard, Soraya Bowen, David Brown, Graham Couch, Nikki Cox, Vicki Crowston, Ruth Doyle, Bridget Drimussis, Tricia Forde, Karen Gallagher, Theresa Gunnell, Nadia Hall, John Morrow, Antonia Munn, Kate Neale, Loraine Paine, Maria Petts, Martin Pretoria, Amanda Rankin, Simon Router, Calista Strange, Sylvia Thomas, Barbora Uhrakova and Finbar Willis.
In the evening a number of Striders competed at St Albans Solstice 10km at 8pm this time you are trying to beat the sun setting. Roughly 10 Striders did both races. Shaun Mutter 44:21, Andy Reid 47:13, Sanjay Roy 48:15, Lorraine Bennie 50:49, Nicholas Cox 50:36, Nicola Abubacker 52:09, Karen Ashby 54:29, Peta Henry 55:51, Graham Couch 58:41, Phillipe Sleet 59:41, Amanda Scott 1:00:19, Philip Abbitt 1:02:02, Nadia Hall 1:03:35, Simon Router 1:04:57, Tricia Forde 1:08:19, Loraine Paine 1:08:18, John Morrow 1:09:16, Amanda Rankin 1:10:53, Sharon Chesham 1:13:23, Claire Bracey 1:16:10, Jill Bywaters 1:16:13, Kate Mutter 1:20:13, Hillary Wildman 1:20:16 and Martin Ball 1:26:58.
June 22nd & 23rd
One Strider competed in Dunstable Downs 10km trail Ray Charlton 54:15 his first 10km trail.
Three Striders competed at Welwyn 10km a warm day I believe. Colin Bunner, Philip Davies, Andrew Durrant and Liz Davies.
June 25th
Three Striders went to the Harpenden Arrow Invitational evening Kate Neale, Chales and Christen Berdenkamp.
June 29th & 30th
It was the third of our Club Championship races, another excellent turnout of 51 Striders at John O’Callaghan 5 miler. It was an early time and definatly made a difference to the number of entries to the whole race. For such a tough course many of you enjoyed it and got great Pbs.
Robert Barnes ran an excellent race following the winner as always Darren Dead to finish 2nd 27:38 Pb, a Club record and 1st Beds Champion Senior, Philip Davies 32:49, Me 32:56 1st Beds Champion V40, Adrian Cropp 33:07, Danny Kelly 33:23 Pb, Gez Fallon 33:49, John Chapman 34:24, Martin Fallon 34:30, Chris Lamont 35:14 1st Beds Champion V65, Eammon Devane 35:21 a great run after a standing charity cycle for hours the day before. Ian Curry 35:23 Pb, Pat Blessing 35:49, Charles Nelis 37:06, John Ryan 37:57, Thom Darby 41:16, Alan Weir 41:39 1st Beds Champion V70, Stewart Read 42:41 V45 Pb, Hicham Hasnaow 43:06 Pb first ever race, Kerry Dear 43:42 Pb, Barbora Ukrakova 43:58 Pb, Mark Smith 44:04 Pb, Martin West 44:13 Pb, Nadia Hall 44:46 Pb, Calista Strange 44:56, David Brown 45:54, Tony Riley 46:10, Lucy Joseph 47:00, Graham Couch 47:25, Evelyn Lutterodt 48:01, Ruth Doyle 48:53 Pb by over 6 minutes, Amanda Scott 50:11, Antonia Munn 50:21 Pb, Rudy Barlett 50:53, Helen Metcalfe 51:48 51:48, Bridgett Drimussis 52:12 Pb, Loraine Paine 53:07 Pb, Elizabeth Mcginley 53:21 1st Beds Champion V70, John Morrow 54:20, Jill Bywaters 56:17, Gary Barlett 56:27, Francess Moss 56:45 1st Beds Champion V60, Tricia Forde 56:45 Pb, Sylvia Thomas 56:50 Pb, Loraine Noakes 57:09 Pb, Lucinda Philpott 57:28 Pb by 2 minutes, Maria Petts 60:53, Claire Bracey 61:02, Dawn Keveren 61:11, Hillary Wildman 63:16, Mary Brennan 63:20 and Thomas Murphy 69:54 1st V80 and Beds Champion V80.
Thank you to all Striders that came and supported us and took great photos.
Congratulations to all Striders who competed this month some excellent times and awards achieved. If I have missed you this month let me know and it can be added. Enjoying all your facebook photos and comments.
Good Luck in all July races. There is the beds champs 10km and 5km races, the remaining two races of the Luton Series and the Fairlands 3km Relay. Is It possible to get as many Pbs next month Striders I hope so as you are all training well and enjoying yourselfs at the same time.