Stopsley Striders Newsletter – October 2021
We realise it has been a while, but welcome to your Stopsley Striders Newsletter – October 2021.
The newsletter will be made up of recent/key content we post on Facebook and any other messages we need to share.
Most exciting new first: We are back meeting in Inspire on Mondays and Thursdays. The time and room may have changed, and the room is not ideal, but it has been lovely having an actual place to gather. Please see below for all the details

Welcome back to Inspire!
Striders we have great news!! From Sept 6th we returned to run as a club on Mondays & Thursdays from Inspire.
Since the pandemic, room usage at Inspire has changed. This has means our usual meeting spaces/times are no longer available, but the committee worked with Active Luton to secure us a new indoor meeting space/time at Inspire.
All new times and locations start week commencing Sept 6th.
*Monday & Thursday, Main Sports Hall*
One court in the main sports hall is available from 18:30, notices at 18:45, out of the hall & running by 19:00.
Bag storage will be in the ground floor lockers – don’t forget your 20p.
Mondays will continue to be social runs and Thursdays are back to coached sessions. The Thursday run/walk group will also continue throughout September.
As a welcome back Inspire evenings will be free in September! (Now extended till the AGM)
Track will move back to Tuesday evenings from Sept 7th. Session starts at 19:30 – £2:50 per session, pre booked via Spond.
To keep us all safe we are continuing to use Spond so that we can monitor attendance and take payments where needed. If you don’t have access to Spond you can be added to the Spond list on Inspire club nights – we are using it just like Helen’s register.
The Striders Family back together from Sept 6th. Come back, we’ve missed you!
For clarity, since the above post, we have adjusted the Monday and Thursday night timings slight. Room available from 18:30, notices at 18:50, out of the hall by 19:00. Runs start at 19:00.
And what if you want to join us on a paid night and don’t use Spond. The committee are looking at options – we won’t be able to take cash!
Race Suggestions (Club Championship Races & Races suggested by members)
31/10/2021 – (Club Championship) Love Luton 10k & Half
28/11/2021 – (Club Championship) Hatfield 5 (mile)
23/01/2022 – Fred Hughes 10 Mile
Don’t forget to record your race results:

Charity & Social
- 01/11/2021 (Monday) – Halloween (Belated) Trail run
- Usual time and place. (Inspire Sports Hall. Meet from 18:30. Run starts at 19:00)
- Bring lights!
- 04/11/2021 (Thursday) – AGM. Crawley Green Sports & Social Club.
- Bar opens at 19:00, meeting starts @19:30
- 15/11/2021 (Monday) – Post run drinks at The Barrells.
- Meeting from 20:00. There will be a Spond group for numbers, or message one of the committee the week before.
- 12/11/2021 (Friday) – BINGO Night – Stopsley Working Men’s Club
- For ACTION FOR CHILDREN (Postponed from 20th March 2020)
- 25/11/2021 (Thursday) – Social. Crawley Green Sports & Social Club.
- Run from CGSSC. Meet from 19:00. Runs start at 19:30. Bar from 20:15. Changing rooms available.
- 16/12/2021 (Thursday) – Social. Crawley Green Sports & Social Club.
- Run from CGSSC. Meet from 19:00. Runs start at 19:30. Bar from 20:15. Changing rooms available.
Unfortunately, the club wide social events we were hoping to host this year (like a Christmas Party) will not happen, but options for next year are being looked into.

Run, Run, Run
The last couple of months have seen the number of races taking place increase rapidly and it has been wonderful seeing all the pictures and results being published. There have been some fantastic performances, and its fab to see groups of Striders supporting each other at races. Congratulations!
Cross Country Season
It is that time of year again, but unfortunately the 3 Counties league has been cancelled again.
As there is no formal cross country competition we are planning our own challenge – 3 races to be run at any time over a month (November, February and March) and 2 in competition with Dunstable Road Runners (December and January – one home, one away)
Please sign up to be allocated a team. If you would like to be a team captain, please indicate on the form.
Let the mud commence!
Its time for your views, it is your club.
With the club restart we have had to change a few things. Some things are not ideal, like the noisy space we meet in, and other things have had mixed reviews. With this in mind, we have decided to start the new club year/committee off with your feedback by issuing a survey asking directly about everything we can think off and the opportunity to provide your suggestions.
We can’t promise we can address everything, but all feedback will be reviewed, and the committee will do what we can.
It is up to you if you identify yourself on your feedback, but please only complete the survey once. Also please remember that they club is run by volunteers, so try to be constructive.
That’s all folks…
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing committee for your efforts in the last year, it’s been challenging!
If you have any questions or comments please contact a member of the committee.